Tuesday, November 5, 2024

What happens if I clicked in a suspicious EMail?

 I have opened an email sent by a friend and clicked on a link that looked legitimate and harmless. Onci opened the attachment, it automatically downloads software to my computer. I do not know what has happened and how to fix it.

First of all, if you haven't clicked on the link, don't click, it can be dangerous for your computer and your personal data.

What I should if I already click on the link?

Following this 7 steps:

  • 1. Close all browsers and tabs; close all the pages that you have.
  • 2. Delete any automatic downloads.
  • 3. Report identity theft if you replied to the email.
  • 4. Change all usernames and passwords.
  • 5. Backup all your files.
  • 6. Get verified tech support; for example, some lack to security if you were hacked
  • 7. Consider identity theft protection; for this, you need in your computer some protection insade the computer, for example, antivirus

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